'Ahimsa' is director Teja's upcoming outing, starring Abhiram Daggubati and Geethika in lead roles. On Saturday, the film's first song titled 'Kammaguntadhey' was released. Rendered by Kala Bhaira...Continue reading
'Anthena Inkem Kavali' is the title of an upcoming drama introducing Pawan Kalyan Bayya as the hero. Directed by Venkata Narasimha Raj, the film is being produced by Ravindra Babu. Jhanvi Sharma is...Continue reading
It has been claimed by TV reports on Thursday that Rana Daggubati's younger brother, Abhiram Daggubati, had a providential escape in a road accident on Wednesday night. As per the Daggubatis...Continue reading
'Ahimsa', starring debutant Abhiram Daggubati, was in the news in February when its pre-look poster was released. Directed by Teja, the film has completed its shoot. The younger brother of Rana Dag...Continue reading
Debutant Abhiram Daggubati plays an innocent youngster who is framed in a false case. When nothing helps and the system turns against him, there comes a sympathizing lawyer, played by Sadha. Releas...Continue reading
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