After the release of the trailer of ‘Julie 2’, Raai Laxmi had set the temperatures soaring. The bold and erotic thriller saw Raai Laxmi in the lead role. However, the film has performed...Continue reading
Nandamuri Balakrishna's 'Akhanda' is one of the most awaited films of the actor. The film, which was stalled due to the second wave of coronavirus, is all set to resume its shooting next month. Th...Continue reading
'Janata Bar' is the title of an upcoming vigilante action drama starring Raai Laxmi of 'Kanchana' fame in the lead. Scripted, directed and produced by Ramana Mogili, the film deals with a burning i...Continue reading
It’s been nearly 4 decades and yet what stands out to be the mother of all horror biggies is Kamal Haasan-Sri Priya starrer ‘Neeya’. The film released in 1979 turned to be a block...Continue reading
AMR Ramesh has directed and produced a film on the life history of sandlewood smuggler Veerappan. It was a bilingual film made in Tamil as ‘Vanayuddam’ and in Kannada as ‘Attahasa’. The film w...Continue reading
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