Vamsikrishna Srinivas’s ‘Production No. 2’ is going to start its shooting in the month of September. This untitled film stars Allari Naresh, Sharwanad and Shriya in lead roles and will be directed...Continue reading
Shriya's 'Pavithra' is being directed by Janardhan Maharshi and produced by Sai Maheswara Reddy with music composed by M.M.Sri Lekha. 'A Bold and Gold Film' is the tagline of the film. Film maker...Continue reading
The leading lady for Dr Rajasekhar's film has not been finalized as yet. The makers of the film have not been able to decide on the leading lady. Kajal Agarwal's name was doing rounds, but she has ...Continue reading
Announcing the release date on the opening day of the film has become quite common in Telugu film industry. The release of ‘Paisa Vasool’ has been advanced by a month which left m...Continue reading
The 2002 action drama 'Chennakesava Reddy' is up for a re-release on September 25. On Thursday, the makers announced that many premiere shows will be held on September 24 hours before the commencem...Continue reading
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