'Narappa', produced by Suresh Productions Pvt Ltd and V Creations, stars Venkatesh and is directed by Sreekanth Addala. D Suresh Babu and Kalaippuli S Thanu, the producers of the action drama, toda...Continue reading
“Mana Oori Ramayanam”, the latest bilingual film from the actor -director Prakash Raj, is all set to hit the screens on October 7th worldwide. “We are releasing the movie on October 7 on the eve of...Continue reading
Jagapathi Babu, Priyamani starrer ‘Kshetram’ is presently progressing in Hyderabad. The film unit has completed its 1st schedule recently and is presently busy with the 2nd schedule. Venu Gopal i...Continue reading
The action-drama 'Narappa', starring Venkatesh in the lead, is the biggest direct OTT Telugu release of the year. Directed by Srikanth Addala, the film will start premiering on Amazon Prime from Ju...Continue reading
'Cyanide', directed by the winner of several national and international awards director Rajesh Touchriver, stars the National-award winning actress Priyamani in the lead. Middle East Cinema Pvt Ltd...Continue reading
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