'Thank You Brother' is an upcoming comedy revolving around a set of fictional events in the era of coronavirus. Its Title Poster was on Friday unveiled by 'Baahubali' and 'Viraata Parvam' actor Ran...Continue reading
'Razakar', directed by Yata Satyanarayana, has been made as a period drama telling the story of the liberation of Hyderabad from the Nizams in 1948. Sardar Vallabhai Patel is the hero of this movie...Continue reading
'Darja' stars Sunil and Anasuya in central roles. The actioner is directed by Saleem Malik. Produced by PSS Entertainments' Siva Sankar Paidipati, the fiction-cum-action entertainer is in the news ...Continue reading
Anasuya was busy with films and many thought she won’t return back to television for her popular show ‘A date with Anasuya’. But contrary to the news that is doing rounds, Anasuya will be back very...Continue reading
The First Glimpse of 'Maya Petika' was released on Thursday at a special event. Present on the occasion was its main star cast (read Paayal Rajput, Rajath Raghav, Viraj Ashwin, and Simrat Kaur), be...Continue reading
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