Director Parasuram Petla's 'Family Star', led by Vijay Deverakonda, will be released in theatres on April 5. Producers Dil Raju and Shirish have put out the film's teaser. "To all my dear families...Continue reading
Mrunal Thakur is now among the most sought-after actresses in Telugu. 'Sita Ramam' and 'Hi Nanna' are her big hits. She will be seen in 'Family Star', opposite Vijay Deverakonda, this April 5. A f...Continue reading
Director Parasuram Petla's 'Family Star', led by Vijay Deverakonda, will be released in theatres on April 5. Producer Dil Raju has kicked off the film's music promotions. The first song from the m...Continue reading
Ahead of the release of 'Family Star' on April 5, Vijay Deverakonda said that he is confident about delivering a two-billion movie. Here is what he said at the pre-release event of his upcoming mov...Continue reading
Speculations are rife that 'Sita Ramam' beauty Mrunal Thakur is dating Hindi singer Badshah. They were recently spotted at the Diwali party of Bollywood artist Shilpa Shetty. The actress of the Hi...Continue reading
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