Ganesh Bellamkonda, who debuted in movies earlier this year (and his maiden venture is yet to be released in theatres), has been signed up by producer S Naga Vamsi for a film titled 'Swathi M...Continue reading
'Ooru Peru Bhairavakona' is the title of Sundeep Kishan's supernatural fantasy to be directed by Vi Anand. Starring Kavya Thapar and Varsha Bollamma in key roles, the film's First Look was unveiled...Continue reading
'Swathi Muthyam', the family comedy-drama, will head to theatres on October 5 marking Dasara. The news is that a new song from the movie was released today. Titled 'Dum Dum Dum', the song begins w...Continue reading
More than six years after he debuted with 'Uyyala Jampala', Raj Tarun's 15th outing was launched on Tuesday. Written and directed by newcomer Santo, the film will be bankrolled by Nandkumar Abhinen...Continue reading
"The next film that I know is going to win all your hearts and I am excited about is 'Middle Class Melodies'. I have watched this with family and friends and it comes with full approval. Note: Sugg...Continue reading
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