'Pushpa' is going to feature a special song on Allu Arjun and an actress. The buzz is that director Sukumar has proposed the name of Sunny Leone, who shook the leg for Rajasekhar's 'PSV Garuda Vega...Continue reading
Manchu Vishnu's 'Ginna' is in the news because its first look was unveiled today. In an accompanying video, we see the hero refusing to appear for a shot until choreographer Prem Rakshit asks an As...Continue reading
Sunny Leone, who was recently seen in the flop movie 'Ginna', awaits the release of a Tamil-language horror-comedy soon. She was present at the film's pre-release event when Kollywood actor Sathish...Continue reading
'PSV Garuda Vega', starring Dr. Rajsekhar in the role of a counter-terrorism fighter, is coming from the critically-acclaimed director Praveen Sattaru. "National Investigation Agency, India's Cent...Continue reading
'Ginna', produced by AVA Entertainment and 24 Frames Factory, will head to theatres in October. Its teaser launch event was held on Friday. Speaking on the occasion, Manchu Vishnu, who plays a sma...Continue reading
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