A Malayalam movie titled ‘Makaramanju’, is based on the life history of the veteran painter Raja Ravi Varma who is credited with bringing about a momentous turn in the art of India. Renowned cinema...Continue reading
The trailer for 'Bheemla Nayak' is out. On Monday, its release was delayed by 50 minutes. But when it arrived, it served up everything that Pawan Kalyan's die-hard fans had been waiting for. The f...Continue reading
Suresh kondeti, who gave us many marvels like ‘Premisthe’, ‘Shopping Mall’, ‘Journey’ and ‘Pizza’, is bringing yet another masterpiece ‘Janatha...Continue reading
NKR films banner is proudly announcing the acquisition of Telugu Action Thriller film Inkokkadu rights. Inkokkadu is Telugu dubbed version of Tamil flick Iru Mugan starring Chiyaan Vikram, Nayantha...Continue reading
Sujana Rao-directed 'Gamanam', to be released in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi, stars Shriya Saran as a mute woman. The news is that Nithya Menen is playing a singer in the film and h...Continue reading
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