Puri Jagannadh has collaborated with Vamshi Paidipally, Charmme Kaur and Srikara Studios for a massive action drama whose story unfolds in the backdrop of the Indian Army's exploits. Titled 'JGM' (...Continue reading
The release date of Charmi’s upcoming movie ‘Prema Oka Maikam’ has been confirmed as August 30th. The actress is essaying the role of a prostitute named Mallika in this film the story of which rev...Continue reading
As known to all, Charmi plays a prostitute in the movie ‘Prema Oka Maikam’. The film also stars ‘Happy Days’ fame Rahul and ‘Premisthe’ fame Sharanya in key roles. Chandu of ‘Tenth Class’ and ‘Not...Continue reading
What's Kareena Kapoor doing with southern stars? Having a fun time!!! Here is a pic of Prakash Raj, Ravi Teja, Kareena Kapoor and Charmi captured by Pony Prakash Raj. Charmi shared the below pics...Continue reading
Charmme Kaur as the lead and as the presenter, ‘Jyothi Lakshmi’ directed by Dashing director Puri Jagannath has completed the censor formality and is all set for release worldwide on June 12. Sweth...Continue reading
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