A terrific horror film titled ‘O Stree Repu Raa’ that features Ashish Gandhi, Vamsi Krisna Konduri, Kunal Koushik, Deeksha Panth, Sruthi Mol and Manali Rathod in the lead roles, is being made under...Continue reading
Hora Horee fame Dileep’s upcoming movie Maaya Mahal is into post production. Presented by Greeshma Arts, the film is produced on Vaishnavi Movie Makers banner by producer Yarlagadda Jeevan Kumar, K...Continue reading
The terrific horror entertainer ‘O Sthree Repu Raa’ is coming to the audience on March 11. The film that features Ashish Gandhi, Vamsi Krisna Konduri, Kunal Koushik, Diksha Panth, Sruthi Mol and Ma...Continue reading
Vijay Datla as hero and Deeksha Panth as heroine ‘Kavvintha’ is being made under the banner Anjani Movies. Renowned freedom fighter Sri Thripuraneni Balaramayya Choudary’s grandson Thripuraneni Vij...Continue reading
Horror comedy entertainer ‘Maaya Mall’ has completed the shooting part and presently censor process as part of post-production works is in progress. The makers are planning to release t...Continue reading
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