One of the most awaited and anticipated films of recent times in Tollywood, Shankara, a Telugu action thriller featuring Nara Rohit and Regina Cassandra directed by Bheemili Kabaddi Jattu and SMS f...Continue reading
‘Nirnayam’ is the super hit Tamil drama film written and directed by Srisaravanan. The film features Rana Vikram, Regina Cassandra and Baby Vedhika in the lead role. Saranya, who came to fame w...Continue reading
Regina Cassandra is a popular actress in Tollywood. Her first Bollywood film is out and she has played a bold role in this film. Regina has played the role of a lesbian in her debut Bollywood film ...Continue reading
After a long search, filmmaker Pandiraj has finally found his second heroine for his forthcoming film ‘Kedi Billa Killadi Ranga’ with actors Vimal and Siva Karthikeyan in the lead. She is Regina C...Continue reading
Gopichand-AS Ravikumar’s latest film ‘Soukyam’ which is being produced by V Anand Prasad on Bhavya Creations banner, is coming to the audience on December 25 as Christmas treat. Nearly after eleven...Continue reading
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