Pitta Kathalu is Telugu's first Netflix anthology movie, with four stories directed by popular Telugu filmmakers. Pitta Kathalu has four stories titled Ramula, Meera, Pinky, and X-Life, each direct...Continue reading
If you are social media-savvy, chances are high that you have heard about the prominent socialite Orhan Awatramani (Orry). A social media influencer with nearly 9 lakh Instagram followers, he has p...Continue reading
We are aware that Prabhu Deva is redirecting his first directorial venture ‘Nuvvostanante Nenoddantana’ in Hindi with Shruti Haasan opposite Girish Taurani, son of producer Kumar Taurani. The film...Continue reading
Veera Simha Reddy's grand worldwide theatrical release is scheduled to take place on 12th January, 2023. The film's second song, titled 'Suguna Sundari', is going to drop on December 15. The news ...Continue reading
‘Shopping Mall’ and ‘Journey’ fame Anjali is on a signing spree. After bagging a lovely role in Venkatesh-Mahesh Babu film ‘Seetamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’, Anjali signed yet another interestin...Continue reading
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