The pre-look of 47 Days (The Mystery Unfolds), produced under Title Card Entertainment, was unveiled on the occasion of Dusshera. Pradeep Maddali has directed the suspense thriller and it stars Sat...Continue reading
'Bangaru Bullodu' releases in theatres on January 23. At the film's pre-release event, guests wished the comedy entertainer all the best. Speaking on the occasion, director Meher Ramesh said, "The...Continue reading
Sumanth Ashwin’s latest film ‘Right Right’ has completed censor formality and received clean ‘U’ certificate from the censor board members. Now, the film is all set to hit theaters on June 10. J Va...Continue reading
MS Raju is pleased with the response that got for Sumanth Ashwin’s ‘Right Right’. The star producer shares, “I am very pleased that the film is being appreciated in all areas. As a father, I am ver...Continue reading
Arun Adith of ‘Katha’ and ‘Tungabhadra’ fame and Pooja Jhaveri in the lead roles, a different love story titled ‘L7’ is being made under Rahul Movie Makers banner. It has completed a schedule recen...Continue reading
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