Far from the hustle and bustle of city life, the story of Sardaar Gabbar Singh is set against a rural backdrop in a fictitious place calledRattanpur. Once subsidiary of princely state, Rattanpur is...Continue reading
Powerstar Pawan Kalyan's Sardaar Gabbar Singh is heading for a monster opening at the US box-office this weekend. Directed by KS Ravindra (Bobby), the film has been produced by Sharrath Marar under...Continue reading
Sardaar Gabbar Singh which is presently under production is being produced at the highest budgets and features a large line up of accomplished artists. Apart from Pawan Kalyan who plays the lead...Continue reading
There is something very distinct about Power Star Pawan Kalyan. There have been several super stars but the way Audiences love Pawan Kalyan has been very unique. And very unconditional. Audiences w...Continue reading
The long awaited Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Gabbar Singh 2’ is likely to kick start soon. Sources tell that the script work has been completed and ready for the film to be taken on sets. Pawan Kalyan, who w...Continue reading
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