'Garuda Vega', the up-and-coming cop drama featuring the versatile Dr. Rajasekhar, is directed by Praveen Sattaru. A stylish comeback film of the angry actor, this is a high-voltage, sleek action ...Continue reading
'PSV Garuda Vega', starring Dr. Rajsekhar in the role of a counter-terrorism fighter, is gearing up for a theatrical release. Now that the film is in its post-production stages, the makers are all...Continue reading
'Garuda Vega', starring Dr. Rajsekhar in the role of a counter-terrorism fighter, will have its teaser released soon. The makers will announce the Teaser's release date in some days. Critically...Continue reading
'PSV Garuda vega 126.18M' has surpassed the coveted Half Million mark in US. The entire team of the action-thriller thanks our audience in the overseas without whom this stunning feat wouldn't have...Continue reading
We have seen the versatile actor Dr. Rajasekhar as an angry young man in such films as 'Ankusham', 'Magadu' and 'Aagraham'. It's time, once again, to see him as a cop in a stylish film. His...Continue reading
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