The Dr. Rajsekhar-starring 'PSV Garuda Vega', directed by the critically-acclaimed filmmaker Praveen Sattaru, is being made without compromising on quality aspects. Ever since the makers introduce...Continue reading
The teaser of Rajasekhar starrer 'PSV Garuda Vega 126.18M' has been a rocking hit, much like its spectacular content. Mopping up as many as 2 million views, the teaser, released on Sept 22, has be...Continue reading
National Award winner director Praveen Sattaru new mission with yesteryears angry young man Dr. Rajashekar ‘PSV Garuda Vega 126.18M’ movie released in a grand manner on yesterday. The f...Continue reading
Garuda Vega has been in the news for all the right reasons lately. With a whopping 25 crores budget, producers seem to be on a roll with huge promotions planned and a grand release. The film has ge...Continue reading
Cinema is a well written drama and is often inspired from real life. Behind the scenes of every film is more dramatic than the film itself and its true. One such dramatic incident happened on the s...Continue reading
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