The makers of Chandamama Kathalu have finally announced the release date as the 25th of April. Since 10th class exams will be over by the 11th and Degree exams are postponed to after elections,...Continue reading
A Working Dream Production’s Third Film “Chandamama Kathalu” is gearing up for release and the production house is promoting the film like never before. As part of a comprehensive promotional cam...Continue reading
Laxmi Manchu's designer dog, named after the Greek god "Zeus" is making his debut in the film "Chandamam Kathalu". We all know that Laxmi Manchu is already a part of the film. Will Zeus be acti...Continue reading
Release of Chandamama Kathalu is postponed to Mid April. Since Chandamama Kathalu is a film for everyone between the age groups of 5 and 60 and keeping in view of the Municipality and Panchayati El...Continue reading
The producers of Chandamama Kathalu have called for a press meet at 2:00 pm tomorrow on the day of “Sri Rama Navami” and have released these poster designs. Based on the new additions in the po...Continue reading
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