'Maro Mahabharatham' is a suspense thriller starring Seiya Gautam in the lead. The film is directed by Jagadish Dugana. Presented by MS Reddy, the project was launched today in the presence of acto...Continue reading
'Batch' is an upcoming movie headliend by Satvik Varma and Neha Pathan. Directed by Siva, the film has music by Raghu Kunche. Produced by Ramesh Ganamajji, the film's trailer was released today in ...Continue reading
‘Andhra Pori’ unit is planning to launch the audio, composed by Dr. Jyosyabhatla, on May 2. Puri Jagannadh’s son Aakash as hero and Ulka Guptha as heroine, ‘Andhra Pori’ is being made under Prasad ...Continue reading
Dashing director Puri Jagannadh’s son Akash Puri and Neha Shetty starrer instance romantic film ‘Mehbooba’ is all set for worldwide release on May 1. Presented by Lavanya on Puri ...Continue reading
Helmed by George Reddy fame Jeevan Reddy, Akash Puri's upcoming movie 'Chor Bazaar' is being made. Touted to be the new-age entertainer, the movie stars Gehna Sippy as the female lead. On the occa...Continue reading
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