Allari Naresh, known for entertaining audiences with varied rib-tickling films, this time is coming out with another full-fledged comedy entertainer titled ‘Kevvu Keka’. The title itself tells the...Continue reading
'Bullet Sathyam', starring Devaraj and Sonakshi Varma, is being helmed by Madugopu and produced by Devaraj. The film's title and the lyrical video were today unveiled at an event attended by produc...Continue reading
Supergood Films banner known for its several successful movies including ‘Andala Ramudu’ with Sunil as hero is once again coming up with another movie ‘Mr Pelli Koduku’ with Sunil in title role. ...Continue reading
Allari Naresh, known for doing fantastically comedy films is all set to come out with yet another interesting film titled ‘Kevvu Keka’. The word ‘Kevvu Keka’ is famous among the Andhra Pradesh peo...Continue reading
'Nawab', touted to be a pan-India film, is an action thriller led by Mukesh Guptha and helmed by Ravi Charan. Harihara Creations is planning to release the movie in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, a...Continue reading
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