The pre-look of 47 Days (The Mystery Unfolds), produced under Title Card Entertainment, was unveiled on the occasion of Dusshera. Pradeep Maddali has directed the suspense thriller and it stars Sat...Continue reading
'Skylab', touted to be a period comedy with sci-fi elements, features Satyadev Kancharana, Nithya Menen and Rahul Ramakrishna as villagers. Helmed by Vishvak Khanderao, its story is set in 1979, wh...Continue reading
'Skylab', which is set to head to the theatres on December 4, is headlined by Nithya Menen, Satyadev Kancharana and Rahul Ramakrishna. The village-based comedy is set in the late 1970s. Its trailer...Continue reading
'Jothi Lakshmi’ fame Satyadev Kancharana as hero and Priya Lal as heroine, Ram Gopal Varma’s disciple Mohan Bommidi is carving out a different love story titled ‘Guvva Gorinka&rsq...Continue reading
Less than two days before the theatrical arrival of 'GodFather', the film's title song was released today by the makers. Composer Thaman and lyricist Ramajogayya Sastry ensure that their music and ...Continue reading
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