Anand Deverakonda's next movie, which is titled 'Highway' wraps up with the shooting formalities. Being Directed by KV Guhan, Highway is touted to be a psychological crime thriller. The thriller a...Continue reading
'Baby' was released in theaters in 2023 and grossed about Rs 95 Cr at the Telugu box office. Its director, Sai Rajesh, has acquired star status since then. The news is that the movie has bagged th...Continue reading
'Pushpaka Vimanam' is doing well at the box office, becoming Anand Deverakonda's second accepted movie, the first one being 'Middle Class Melodies'. The film is holding its ground, thanks to its co...Continue reading
'Gam Gam Ganesha', directed by Uday Shetty, stars Anand Deverakonda in the lead. Producers Kedar Selagamsetty and Vamsi Karumanchi are planning to release the crime comedy in cinemas on May 31. It...Continue reading
Vijay Deverakonda's brother, Anand Devarakonda's next movie has been announced. The film is titled 'Middle Class Memories' and it will be produced by V Anand Prasad of Bhavya Creations banner...Continue reading
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