We all know that ‘Malupu’ is being made as a prestigious Telugu-Tamil bi-lingual film directed by renowned senior director Raviraja Pinisetty’s elder son Sathya Prabhas Pinisetty under their home b...Continue reading
'Modern Love: Hyderabad', an anthology, will premiere on Amazon Prime Video from July 8. Its teaser is a perfect glimpse. Themes such as self-discovery and healing have been dealt with in the anth...Continue reading
The release date of Samantha and Aadhi Pinisetty starrer ‘U Turn’ movie has been confirmed on September 13th. This is a mystery thriller written and directed by Pawan Kumar. The traile...Continue reading
It’s known to all that in Andhra Pradesh, the festive movie season often includes bunch of film releases with tight competition. In this line, Lakshmi Manchu is one of the producers, who is planni...Continue reading
Aadi Pinishetty was appreciated for his villain role in the film Sarrainodu that starred Allu Arjun in the lead. The latest news is that Aadi will be acting as a villain in Boyapati Srinu’s film th...Continue reading
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