Vishal's new pan-India movie is titled 'Mark Antony'. Featuring the talented actor in a heavy role where he sports a thick beard, the film is directed by Adhik Ravichandran. The news is that the g...Continue reading
Vishal's new pan-India movie is titled 'Mark Antony'. Featuring the talented actor in a heavy role where he sports a thick beard, the film is directed by Adhik Ravichandran. The news is that the s...Continue reading
Versatile actor Vishal, who is always ready to experiment and do variety of characters, is again coming out with another different film titled ‘Indrudu’. ‘Indrudu’ is the Telugu dubbed version of T...Continue reading
Few actors have been predominantly sticking ideologies of particular ideas and practices. For Vishal, he has never been a part of award ceremonies for years and now he turns everyone in deep amazem...Continue reading
Vishal has sustained a severe back injury while shooting for his 31st film in Hyderabad. He was filming for the climax sequence, a source says. He has sustained an injury already while shooting fo...Continue reading
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