‘Tripura’ that features Swathi in the title role, is in the final stages of shooting. The film is being made in Telugu and Tamil languages simultaneously. A Chinababu and M Rajasekhar are producing...Continue reading
Nikhil-Swathi starrer ‘Swamy Ra Ra’ is currently in final leg of shooting with climax part being shot. This schedule is taking place in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. This romantic comedy entertainer...Continue reading
Rakshith and Swathi starrer ‘London Babulu’ is all set to release in a grand level on November 17. Tammareddy Bhardwaja has launched the special teaser. The film has music by K. ‘...Continue reading
P Samudrakarani, who directed a super hit film like ‘Shambo Siva Shambo’ in Tamil, is now directing a Tamil film titled ‘Porali’ featuring Allari Naresh and Sashi Kumar as males lead and Swathi, Va...Continue reading
The makers of 'Bangaru Kodipetta' gets creative with the following promos to keep the film buffs interested in their film. With Navdeep and Swathi in lead roles and fight master Ram-Lakshman in ke...Continue reading
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