Dynamic director VV Vinayak's latest sensation ‘Alludu Seenu’ is releasing on this July 25, 2014. The debutant Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas is the hero and glamour queen Samantha is the female ...Continue reading
Samantha Akkineni is not having any hits of late. Most of her films have flopped. But that does not stop Samantha. She says that she is learning from her failures. Like her successes she takes her ...Continue reading
As mentioned earlier, a new film in the combination of Ram and Gautham Vasudev Menon went on the sets this morning in Chennai. The film belongs to love genre which will be directed Gautham Menon u...Continue reading
Shiva Nirvana is extremely happy that his film Majili has shaped up well. He says that lot of things that we will see in this film are real instances that happened in his life. Samantha was not th...Continue reading
It's now officially confirmed that 'Pushpa' will feature a special song between Allu Arjun and Samantha. It is the fifth song of the movie. On Monday evening, Mythri Movie Makers made the news off...Continue reading
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