Ganesh Bellamkonda, who debuted in movies earlier this year (and his maiden venture is yet to be released in theatres), has been signed up by producer S Naga Vamsi for a film titled 'Swathi M...Continue reading
"The moment you've been waiting for is here - it's time to witness the magic," the makers of 'Ooru Peru Bhairavakona' wrote, unveiling the trailer for their fantasy adventurous action thriller 'Oor...Continue reading
'Meet Cute' is directed by Natural Star Nani's sister and debutante Deepthi Ghanta. The film's teaser was released earlier in the day. Starring Satyaraj, Adah Sharma, Varsha Bollamma, Ruhani Sharm...Continue reading
'Middle Class Melodies' has been streaming on Amazon Prime since November 20. The movie has been lapped up by the Telugu audience in a big way, going by the reviews and social media posts. And, du...Continue reading
Actor Nithiin has been shooting for a film titled 'Thammudu' since September last year. Directed by Venu Sriram of 'Vakeel Saab' and 'MCA' fame, the project is bankrolled by Dil Raju. The news is ...Continue reading
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