Anasuya Bharadwaj, who is enjoying the small screen stardom, has wowed audience with her big screen appearance occasionally. Be it a bubbly role opposite Nagarjuna in ‘Soggade Chinni Nayana&r...Continue reading
Nagarjuna’s latest bumper hit ‘Soggade Chinni Nayana’ which has shaken the box office record by earning the share of over Rs 53 Crores, has completed 50 days successful run in 110 centres and runni...Continue reading
The recently released small Telugu Film Kshanam is going national - with subtitles. As of now, the film has released mostly in the two Telugu states, Karnataka and in Tamil Nadu. Now though, the fi...Continue reading
These days, most celebs don't want to be given political tags. They want to appear as neutral as possible, especially in the wake of some governments doing vendetta politics against those perceived...Continue reading
'Prema Vimanam' is the title of an upcoming web film release. Produced by Abhishek Nama of Abhishek Pictures and ZEE5, its first look indicates that five or six prominent characters will be seen in...Continue reading
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