Adah Sharma's 'Question Mark', a thriller directed by Vipra, is being produced by Gouri Krishna. The project has managed to complete the shoot despite the challenging circumstances. Shot in the jun...Continue reading
Adah basking in the success of her recent super duper hit kshanam. Getting rave reviews be it directors on twitter , critics and the audience for her fabulous acting skills and transformation from ...Continue reading
Kshanam continues to have a successful run at the box office even after entering the 3rd week. Recently Mr. Kuchipudi Venkat (Director) owner of Kuchipudi hotels had a special screening for his cou...Continue reading
Adah's popularity in south began with her debut with Puri Jagannath' s Heart Attack. The actress has gained a huge fan following ever since. She has a good connect with the youth audience especi...Continue reading
Ravikanth director and Adah Sharma have both been replaced by Advi Sesh. Apparently Ravikanth had a fallout with Adivi Sesh about the script of his next and Adah Sharma was not happy with her role ...Continue reading
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