The trailer for 'Bhagavanth Kesari' was released on Sunday ahead of the film's grand theatrical release on October 19. Nelakonda Bhagavanth Kesari, played by Nandamuri Balakrishna, is introduced as...Continue reading
Mass Hero Vishal has played the lead role in action entertainer ‘Jayasurya’. It was released around the world on September 4, and became super hit. Suseenthiran is the director. G Nageswara Reddy a...Continue reading
Recently a comment made by Kajal on Shriya has shocked many including her co-star Karthi. This has happened during an interview in a TV channel as part of promotional event of a Tamil film ‘All In...Continue reading
Ram Charan’s ‘Nayak’ is currently progressing at Sarathi Studios in Hyderabad. The major part of the film was shot in Hyderabad, some scenes in Kolkata and a few in Vizag. The songs were shot in ...Continue reading
Naga Chaitanya-Kajal starrer ‘Dhada’ is an action entertainer being directed by Ajay Bhuyan and produced by D Siva Prasad Reddy. Right now the film is progressing in Europe. A couple of songs are...Continue reading
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