‘Karthi 17’ is a mega budget film starring Karthi. The film is presented by Reliance Entertainment and produced by Prince Pictures, S. Lakshman Kumar. Following the critically acclaimed...Continue reading
Yuvasamrat Naga Chaitanya's latest 'Raarandoi Veduka Chuddam' in Kalyan Krishna Kurasala's Direction Produced by King Nagarjuna under Annapurna Studios banner was released on May 26th and became a ...Continue reading
Naga Chaitanya is busy completing his film under the direction of Kalyan Krishna. The film has been titled as Raarandoy Veduka Choodham and is planing for release during the third week of May. Rak...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu and AR Murugadoss’s upcoming flick ‘Spyder’ which is being made simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil languages, is releasing worldwide on September 27 as Dasara treat. M...Continue reading
The duo Gopichand and Sriwass, who have their career biggest success with the film ‘Lakshyam', are paired up again to repeat the success for the film ‘Loukyam’. V Anand Prasad is producing the ...Continue reading
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