It was on this day (August 9) in 2012 that 'Julayi' arrived at the box-office. This was a successful collaboration between the Allu Arjun-Trivikram Srinivas duo. Remembering the hit on Sund...Continue reading
Allu Arjun and Ileana starrer ‘Julayi’ has successfully completed the talkie part. The film is taking shape under Trivikram’s direction. S Radhakrishna is producing the film on Haarika and Hassin...Continue reading
Trivikram Srinivas Rao’s latest directorial venture with Allu Arjun and Ileana as romantic pair is presently progressing at Chennai Port. A few action scenes under Peter Heynes’s supervision are b...Continue reading
Allu Arjun-Trivikram Rao’s ‘Julayi’ has successfully completed 50 days of screening today and is heading towards reaching 100th day. ‘Julayi’ was released on August 9th and the makers and distribu...Continue reading
The title for Allu Arjun and Ileana’s film has been given as ‘Julayi’. The movie is being directed by none other than the sensational director Trivikram Srinivas. Radhakrishna, who is producing t...Continue reading
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