Mega hero Allu Sirish enthralled Telugu audience had made his Kollywood debut with Gouravam. He had shared screen space with Mohanlal in his maiden Mollywood film, 1971. Now, Allu Sirish is ecstati...Continue reading
The other day, at an event related to 'Kanguva', a Tamil actor named Bose Venkat urged Suriya to take on a political career. Bose Venkat is a pro-DMK man. In his speech, he obliquely suggested that...Continue reading
Suriya starrer 24 was applauded for its unique content. The sci-fiction movie is doing good business. But many critics were of the opinion that the film is quite lengthy. Even some of the audiences...Continue reading
Suriya starrer Gang released this Sankranthi and was much appreciated. The film began with a weak opening and then picked up pace. Speaking about the good response to the film, Suriya said he is e...Continue reading
Superstar Surya, Amala Paul and Bindu Madhavi starrer ‘Memu’ is all set for release on July 8. The makers are planning to release the film in many theaters in Andhra and Telangana. On the eve of fi...Continue reading
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