'Thugs' is an upcoming action drama produced by Riya Shibu, the daughter of producer Shibu Thameens, who has to his credit films like 'ABCD', 'Puli', 'Irumugan', and 'Saamy Square'. He is known for...Continue reading
You are aware of Gautham Menon’s upcoming musical romantic flick ‘yeto Vellipoyindhi Manasu’ in which Nani and Samantha are playing the lead pair in the Telugu version. The Tamil version has Jeeva...Continue reading
'Michael' is an action entertainer set to have a pan-India release. Produced by Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP and Karan C Productions LLP, it features Sundeep Kishan and 'Uppena' star Vijay Sethupa...Continue reading
'The Life Of Muthu' is the title of the Telugu version of 'Vendhu Thanindhathu Kaadu', a film directed by Gautam Vasudev Monon. The Tamil version hit the cinemas today (Sept 15), while the Telugu v...Continue reading
Despite the situation in the country director Gautham Menon is happy with the response for his film ‘Saahasam Swasaga Sagipo’. Speaking about the film and its collections he said that though the co...Continue reading
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