Legendary composer Ilaiyaraaja has launched a musical movie titled 'Music School'. Directed by Papa Rao Biyyala (who is debuting in Bollywood) the film was launched the other day. Sharman Joshi, Sh...Continue reading
Acclaimed director Krishna Vamsi is gearing up for the promotions of 'Ranga Marthanda', which has been in the making for about two years. The film, which is the remake of a Marathi movie, is going ...Continue reading
Rajendra Prasad and Archana have joined hands for a film titled 'Shashtipoorti'. A family drama, the film is produced by Rupesh Kumar Chowdhary and helmed by Pravan Prabha. Its launch event was att...Continue reading
Music maestro Ilayaraja sent legal notice to veteran singer SP Balasubramanyam asking him not to sing the songs composed by him at various concerts without his consent. Reports suggests that few ot...Continue reading
'Maayon' is an upcoming movie starring Sibi Sathyaraj as the hero. Sibi is the son of senior character artist Sathyaraj. Recently, the film's teaser became a notable hit. The film is now in news ov...Continue reading
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