'Simbaa', starring Jagapathi Babu, Anasuya Bharadwaj, Gowtami and Vasista Simha in lead roles, will hit the cinemas on August 9. Its Trailer launch event was held on Wednesday. Anasuya said the fi...Continue reading
'Simbaa', starring Jagapathi Babu, Anasuya Bharadwaj, Gowtami and Vasista Simha in lead roles, will hit the cinemas on August 9. Its pre-release event was held on Saturday. Sampath Nandi, one of t...Continue reading
After that amazing performance in Ranagasthalam. Anasuya Bharadwaj has been flooded with offers. But this actress is sure that she is not going to sign every film that comes her way. Anasuya it se...Continue reading
Adivi Sesh and Adah Sharma starrer ‘Kshanam’ is coming to the audience on February 26. Prominent production house PVP banner, which is known for producing huge budget films in Tollywood, is now tur...Continue reading
These days, most celebs don't want to be given political tags. They want to appear as neutral as possible, especially in the wake of some governments doing vendetta politics against those perceived...Continue reading
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