Drinker Sai, starring Dharma in the lead, is directed by Kiran Tirumalasetti. The film was released in theatres last Friday. The female lead in the film is played by Aishwarya Sharma. A Naturopath student, she is a die-hard fan of a legendary naturopath named Vanthena Satyanarayana (played by comedian Bhadram). Vanthena's character, fashioned after the real-life Naturopath Manthena Satyanarayana, is made fun of for his emphasis on a balanced and chemical-free diet. The track is inspired by several jokes about Manthena's style of speaking, his extreme prescriptions, etc.
On Sunday, when the team of Drinker Sai was in a Guntur theatre, a group of individuals identifying themselves as Manthena's fans, reportedly assaulted the film's director. He sustained minor injuries. The team of the film condemned the attack.
Drinker Sai, also featuring Srikanth Iyengar, Sameer, Kirrak Seetha, Posani Krishna Murali and others, has music by Sri Vasanth.