Mass hero Vishal starrer Tamil detective action thriller ‘Thipparivaalan’ is now being dubbed into Telugu as ‘Detective’. Directed by Mysskin and presented by Vishal Film Fa...Continue reading
The theatrical trailer of the much-anticipated film ‘Sailaja Reddy Alludu’ was unveiled. Written and directed by Maruthi, the film stars Naga Chaitanya, Anu Emmanuel and Ramya Krishna i...Continue reading
The first video single from Shailaja Reddy Alludu has been released today i.e. on August 10. The song is penned by Krishna Kanth(k.k). Anudeep Dev has sung the song. Shekhar VJ is the choreographer...Continue reading
'Kittu Unnadu Jagaratha' turned out to be a memorable hit for Raj Tarun. The film has topped the box-office charts in the first weekend and has also passed the Monday test successfully. The distrib...Continue reading
Srikumar (Allu Sirish) and Sindhu (Anu Emmanuel) make out at all sorts of places in 'Urvasivo Rakshasivo', which will hit the cinemas on November 4. Sometime back, its entertaining teaser was relea...Continue reading
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